Front membranes for membrane keyboards and control elements

Individual front membranes

We produce front membranes individually to your speci­fi­ca­tions. The design of front membranes is crucial in in­flu­enc­ing the user-friendliness of in­put devices. Together with you we develop front foil design and equip the foil with innovative printing Roos solutions. Through this way we accommodate diverse functions intelligently and en­sure the comfortable operation of your control system.

Front membranes in screen printing

With the screen printing process, you achieve the pin­na­cle of brilliant colour and durability. When it comes to high­light­ing your foil design op­ti­cally, there are special colour glazes, fade-effects, clear lacquers, night designs and much more. Print­ing of front membranes with glazes and special varnishes is done in the clean room. Screen print­ing colours are applied to the back of the foil, so it is protected from scratches and other environmental in­flu­ences. 

Small batches of front foils in digital printing

We support you with the development and the manu­fac­tur­ing of opera­tional front foil samples and prototypes in digital printing. Front membranes are manufactured using the same materials as screen printing front membranes. They can be embossed, laminated with an adhesive and laser cut. The screen printing and digital printing processes can be combined, depending on the front foil design com­plex­ity.

Finishing of front membranes

Key embossing

High or deep embossing simplifies the operation and lo­cali­sa­tion of keys, allowing us to undertake the most un­usual configurations.



Depending on your requirements, the front foil can be equipped with an adhesive with a wide range of char­ac­teristics.


Final cutting

Whether it is stamping, plotting or laser cutting, we offer you the most efficient solution for your application.


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