We have found him – our new apprentice for 2021

Welcome to our team

For many young and motivated people, 1st September marks the start of a new chapter in their lives: it is the day that they embark on an ap­pren­tice­ship. We are pleased to be part of this story and would like to welcome our new apprentice to our company today. He is start­ing his ap­pren­tice­ship in our company in the role of Digital and Print Media Designer Specialising in Design and Technology. During his three-year apprenticeship, he will work in all the relevant de­part­ments in our company and partake ac­tively in our day-to-day business. From his first day at work until the day of his final exam, he will enjoy the sup­port of our training team.


We have found our apprentice 2021

An apprenticeship as the basis for the future

An in-depth and practically-oriented apprenticeship pro­vides an excellent basis for the future. And both sides benefit. Both the young people, to whom we provide prospects for their future careers through a good ap­pren­tice­ship, and our company, which is exceptionally well equipped for the challenges of the future with the new generation of skilled staff.


We would like to take this opportunity to wish our ap­pren­tice a great start, lots of fun and every success during his apprenticeship in our company.


The Roos GmbH team





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